Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Question for Teachers in this Class

How do you think 6th grade students would use the previous (following?) posts?  Would they be honest, silly, appropriate?

A Bit About Me

Here is some information about my family and me.  I took a class this summer and learned how to make a glog.  Click on the link below to see my glog about myself.  You might enjoy making a glog about yourself.

View my Glog

First Week of School

Comment on how you felt about the first week of school.  Also, if you like, take the survey at the right.
Ideas for your comments -  What did you enjoy?  What could make it go more smoothly?  How do you feel about being in a school with older students?  What do you think about the work load?  What are your concerns? Class rules by Larry Martin

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